一般情况下,iPhone、iPad 开启蓝牙搜索,是相互搜索不到的。
- 因为系统对iOS设备进行了过滤
- 即使能搜索到并且连接,但无法发送文件,也是没有用的,所以系统直接给屏蔽了
- “个人热点”共享的时候,开启“个人热点” 和 “蓝牙” 功能。在这时候,蓝牙的作用就是热点共享网络。
- 程序里面使用GameKit Framework,用framework自带的蓝牙联机游戏功能,也可以相互搜索到。

is there for OSX. It's embedded inside of theIOBluetooth.framework
. Download the sample mac apps from the Apple Dev Site. The one difference is that the OSX version of the CoreBluetooth.Framework
does not contain theCBPeripheralManager
class. You should just have your iOS device act as the peripheral and the Mac as the central. The iOS device can act as both at the same time and data can be sent both ways.Basic Bluetooth 4.0 Terminology
- Bluetooth Central: This is the node that is trying to connect to a data source. Think of this as the client.
- Bluetooth Peripheral: This is the node that is providing the primary data source. Think of this as the server.
- Characteristic: A characteristic can be considered a variable.
- Service: A group of characteristics live under a "Service".
德州仪器的CC2540 是一款高性价比、低功耗的片上系统(Soc)解决方案,适合蓝牙低耗能应用,它以低总体物料清单成本,建立强健的网络节点成为可能。
CC2540开发套件提供了完整的硬件性能测试平台和通用的软件开发环境的单模蓝牙低功耗(BLE)应用程序。该套件包括两个基于CC2540 RF评估模块、一个基于CC2540-USB加密狗、软件和硬件原型、电缆、天线和文档,运行快速,轻松地与CC2540的通用开发板(SmartRF05EB)。